Friday, April 4, 2008
Acupuncture Treats Infertility
Infertility is a common buzz word in the media today. Couples of all types are desperate to conceive and in their desperation are looking now to alternative medicines for an effective treatment. Chinese medicine is one of those alternatives that future parents are investigating. With the recent studies being published out of Britain, and the past Swedish and German studies indicating that acupuncture can be beneficial as an ART, assistive reproductive technique, Chinese Medicine now finds itself at the forefront of the infertility scene. Traditional Chinese Medicine however has always had a strong grasp on women’s issues, including infertility. Most of the focus in the research studies has been on acupuncture as a sole treatment however TCM, is a complete model of Medicine of which acupuncture is only one modality within.
This article is written to illustrate some of the foundational concepts in TCM that are the causes and progression of infertility.
One of the main concepts in TCM with regard to infertility is the concept of constitutional weakness. The blunt nature of TCM information is sometimes hard to hear but is usually full of common sense. For example the concept of age and infertility is exceptionally important. The idea of older women conceiving is generally frowned upon due to the waning of general essence of life. The older you are the less essence you have left to pass on to your offspring. Other issues of constitution have to do with the woman’s parents at time of conception and what level of essence was passed on to her. Even the health of the parents at the time of conception plays a huge part in the ease of conception. The concept exists that hopeful parents should take one full year to become clean in mind, body and spirit before attempting to become pregnant. This includes clean eating, appropriate exercise in body and meditation to create the correct intention with which to create life.
Another concept is that of overwork and excessive physical work. Overwork is in the sense of long hours without adequate rest, this includes an irregular diet. Excessive physical work ie sports or actual work as “on a farm” especially at puberty can cause difficulty in conceiving later in life.
Excessive sexual activity at a young age weakens the kidneys which are the organs of essence. A weakened state of Kidney energy can lead to the constitutional weakness that was mentioned earlier.
Chinese Medicine also has strong conviction in regard to what are termed pathogenic factors. One of the most prolific of these in Chinese medicine is the pathogenic factor, cold. It is believed in Chinese medicine that cold can easily invade the Uterus and thus create an inability to conceive. If you think about it, it would be hard to bake bread in an oven that didn’t have the ability to become warm. This concept always reminds me of the cliché phrase..”a bun in the oven”.
This concept of cold also relates to the excessive consumption of cold or iced foods. This can also lead to cold in the uterus which as we know makes conception really difficult.
Another concept in TCM that leads to infertility is one of the stagnation of energy (Qi). This is very common in our modern world where women are under great amounts of stress. Women do not stop to rest during their menstrual cycles when they are losing what is considered the essence of their energy. Women continue to push until they are exhausted mentally, physically and spiritually. This stress and subsequent exhaustion leads to stagnated energy and causes all sorts of imbalances in health.
It truly is no wonder that infertility and miscarriage are so prevalent.
Most complete models of medicine have the concept that health on all levels is what is needed to conceive easily and then produce a really quality offspring who in turn will pass on their excellent and strong constitutional essence to the next generation.
From this information it is easy to see that while acupuncture can help many of these issues it is not the only modality that is required. Proper alignment and balance of the body, mind and spirit is essential for the desired result.
Remember; to be successful seek out qualified practitioners of acupuncture and oriental medicine. You can find one near you by visiting
There are many factors that can contribute to infertility. Energy levels, age, stress, lifestyle, diet and exercise can all affect how available the body is for conceiving and nurturing. It is easy to see that while acupuncture can help many of these issues it is not the only modality that is required. Proper alignment and balance of the body, mind and spirit is essential for the desired result.
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
The Power of Positive Thinking
Is it really a secret? The power of positive thinking that is? Is it really adequate to just think good thoughts? Will looking through rose colored glasses truly give us the winning life we so fervently desire? I attempted to answer these questions by asking an eight year old girl, who promptly answered me with a shoulder shrug and “I don’t know”. She then walked away to finish the cardboard dragon she was making in celebration of the Chinese New Year.
Maybe that’s the real answer; we should all stop worrying about positive thinking and just be positive about something, anything like making a cardboard Chinese dragon.
Imagine if we could all just look at life again through the filter of our eight year old child. How different would the world be? How incredibly amazing might it be just to take the time to create something that wasn’t on TV or a computer. How exhilarating would it be to wonder with imagination instead of your PSP 3 or Wii. How would it feel to question alleged reality with possibility?
My premise in regard positive thinking is that we all try too hard. Being positive in everyday life should be easy, serendipitous and most of all fun. It shouldn’t be work to maintain a positive outlook.
Some are skeptical in regard to the belief in positive thinking, specifically positive thinking as it relates to health and wellbeing. If we explore the words health and wellbeing we find that the definition of health is not just the absence of sickness but the presence of wellbeing. Then we must examine the word wellbeing. Wellbeing is the state of being well, fine, in a good way, healthy, sound and thriving. Hmmm, doesn’t that make your wheels turn?
If health is a state of wellbeing and wellbeing is being in a healthy, good way can’t we deduct that one would most likely be in a positive frame of mind in order to have health and wellbeing?
Well, it makes sense to me. But then I have day after day of experiences with patients that are either carrying around a positive outlook or a negative one. It never fails to amaze me that whichever outlook a specific individual carries they are successful in proving their beliefs every single day.
For example, take John the 40 something divorcee who beliefs strongly that the life is unfair and the world is out to cheat him. Every time I see him he has evidence to offer me proving that his premises are indeed correct.
On the other side there is Jason who really sets out to prove that a winning life is possible and that it is effortless. His belief system includes the concepts that life is easy; he is lucky and always has the glass half full mantra somewhere in his subconscious.
Both of these men prove they are right everyday; the only difference is what they are right about. So which is it for you? Are you a Jason or a John? What do you prove day in and day out?
In Chinese medicine there is a concept of weak constitution - strong spirit and strong constitution - weak spirit.
The simple facts are; a person may have a weak constitution based on DNA, but have the spirit of a tiger, fighting for health and wellbeing. These individuals according to Chinese Medicine are more likely to achieve good health than the strong in constitution but weak in spirit. For me strong spirit has all to do with the power of positive thinking and a positive outlook in regard to life in general.
Positive thinking is truly a choice. So my friends choose wisely and take the time to create the possibility of positive thinking in your life. Good luck in your journey toward health and wellbeing.
Friday, February 1, 2008
All You Need Is Love, Right?
February, the month of love, sweethearts and chocolate not necessarily in that order, of course. Picture this; you are getting ready to go out with your sweetheart to celebrate Valentines Day. While getting ready, you feel that subtle nervous tension that comes from anticipation of your 2008 Valentine. You want everything to be perfect, EVERYTHING! Suddenly you catch a glimpse of your face in the mirror, you stop, turn and face the mirror. In an instant it has become your judge, jury and well you know. It is the horror of all horrors, ……… are OLD. For a second you have the thought of smashing the mirror and running, in medical anti-aging circles this is called the smash and run secondary to extreme contact with reality.
You open an inquiry, when did this happen? When did I pass the point of no return?
You see, we all have this picture of ourselves that we carry around in our minds eye. And lets face it folks, it has nothing whatsoever to do with reality. It is only in those brief moments of lucidity that we can see through our veil of Bu - - Sh-t, to the reality of our own aging process.
And while February tends to conjure up feelings of love for most, I am not sure that Love is all we need, when it comes to the aging process. For those individuals that may not want to participate in the smash and run here is an illustration of a natural facial rejuvenation system that uses microcurrent stimulation instead of needles. Despite this system’s lack of invasive needle use the result continues to be outstanding.
This particular type of non surgical facial system is called microcurrent facial revitalization or vibrational beauty therapy as developed by Dr. Darren Starwynn.
What is Vibrational Beauty Therapy?
Microcurrent facial revitalization or VBT is the practice of applying microcurrent stimulation to the face and neck over wrinkles, muscle origins, and selected acupuncture points, for the purpose of reducing wrinkles and other signs of aging, while enhancing the tone and texture of the skin.
What is a microcurrent?
Microcurrents are very gentle pulsed electrical currents that are usually used in the very low frequency range for therapeutic treatments. A Microcurrent is 1/1,000,000th of an electrical charge. Microcurrents are successfully used for pain control, wound healing and energy balancing. It was discovered that microcurrent stimulation has additional benefits of reducing wrinkles and regenerating healthy skin tissue only as a side effect of these other healing therapies. This is what began Vibrational Beauty Therapy tm research and development in earnest.
How was it discovered?
Whole body treatment is where facial rejuvenation got it start. A physician using microcurrent electro-medicine, treated a patient with bell’s palsy for facial paralysis. The treatment was very effective for the affected side of her face. So effective in fact, that she noticed her skin had a more youthful, lifted look and feeling. She returned requesting that the physician treat the other side of her face as well. After all who wants to be stuck with half of a face lift, even if it was done by accident?
What is the procedure?
There are five phases to the microcurrent facial rejuvenation therapy. The first phase is sliding and its purpose is to acclimate the skin, open the acupuncture meridians and improve circulation. Holding is the second phase and during which the muscles are reeducated and impurities are brought to the surface. Both of these phases are completed with a set of probes that deliver the current gently to the face. The practitioner moves the probes across the face while the patient is relaxed on the treatment table. The third phase is a VBT mudd mask, this lifts and tones the skin, assists in removal of lining, deep cleans pores and soaks up any impurities that still remain. The fourth phase uses a widely known technique called iontophoresis. This technique drives a natural plant based collagen into the skin reducing fine lines and wrinkles. The final phase uses a pair of wands that essentially massage the face targeting muscles and imperfections. The treatment is so relaxing most clients fall asleep.
How many sessions will I need?
Depending on the individual case, 6-12 sessions over an 6-10 week period are necessary to achieve significant results. More sessions will be required for smokers, the elderly and those in poor health.
Will I need Recuperation Time?
No, the VBT micro current system allows you to look wonderful immediately after the treatment. You can come in just for special events, receive a treatment and leave looking and feeling fabulous. It is a beneficial procedure for those individuals who are pre-surgical and it delays the additional enhancement needed post surgery.
The facial rejuvenation is not a replacement for surgery or injection therapies but is a viable alternative when either you do not want to have surgery or are in between surgeries.
Christina Captain, DOM, AP, the director of The Family Healing Center, can be reached for a complimentary consultation by calling 951.1119. For additional information visit the web at The Family Healing Center is located at 1219 East Ave S #104 , in Sarasota at the Midtown Medical Park.
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
2007, The Year of Ending, Thinking, and Wondering...
2007 was an interesting year for me personally. I ended a long term relationship, developed a practice in Bradenton and then was forced to suddenly leave it, started practicing Nichiren Daishonin’s Buddhism, came to terms with my inability to make things turn out the way that I wanted them to and oh yeah almost met my maker in a morning car accident that left me hanging upside down by my seatbelt. Don’t know how many of you have had this experience or one like it but I am here to tell you there’s not much you can do from that position. It is the ultimate surrender especially for someone like me who is used to being in control all the time. Hanging there I was unable to control much except my thoughts and even that was a stretch. It was almost like some cosmic force outside of this dimension said “ok….we told you we were in control…or did you miss that email????”
Although many people were there to help I have never felt so alone in my entire existence on this planet. I also had a profound feeling of gratitude, almost felt like I had been given a grand wakeup call and thankful I was and am able to answer that call.
Since June I have been unable to exercise which really put a dent into my lifestyle. But I have had a lot of time to think. And thinking is just what I have been doing. I thought and I wondered, so I call 2007 the year of ending, thinking and wondering.
I think about why we don’t have respect, for ourselves and others?
I wonder how we as humans can turn our backs on other suffering human’s right here in our own backyard, not to mention all over the world? I think about why we can’t just all get along? I wonder why there are so many among us who claim superiority for a religious belief, financial status or just because they might be greener than their neighbor? I think why are certain corporations are run they way they are? I wonder why the government isn’t run more like a corporation? I think why do people lie, to themselves and each other? I wonder why our federal congress people and senators don’t have to pay into social security or Medicare and why they have their own private healthcare and why they are paid a salary even after their deaths?
I wonder why our leaders don’t recognize the overwhelming need that Americans have for healthcare? And if some do why can’t they do anything about it? I wonder about global warming, should I be as scared as I am or should I just get up at midnight and stand in line at circuit city on Black Friday?
I thought so much that my head hurt, just from thinking not the accident. Then I had an epiphany, of course one does never experience this kind of enlightenment without first a descent into darkness. I experienced an overwhelming sadness that encompassed everything and everyone I came into contact with. I couldn’t stop thinking and feeling the sadness that accompanies the thought………we just don’t get it……….
Most people are stuck in their own dramas not seeing even the border of the bigger picture. A year like 2007 theoretically a year of endings per its numerology of 9, helped me see.
Are we all just stuck in the Matrix? Is there a glitch that must be programmed out or are we the glitch? When do we as a whole community begin to realize that it all can come to an end in the matter of a split second?
When do we begin to appreciate the natural world we live in and the incredible miracle that our bodies are?
When do we figure out that all it is really about is giving and receiving love and respect for all living things? When will we truly be grateful for the air that we breathe and the warm sun that we feel on our skin?
Is it only on Sunday morning, Saturday evenings or sunrise and sunset that we give thanks and pray for our neighbors as well as ourselves?
When do we begin to understand that we are all here to become aware of our connectedness? Each and every one of us is connected to each other at a level that we don’t even realize.
If that is true then why are we focused on our differences instead of that connection?
Ask yourself this question; What are you grateful for and how do you show it? Then monitor your thinking and your behavior to see if you are in denial or truly appreciating every moment of your life?
Living in the now moment has never meant so much to me as it does now in this very moment. Because right now in this moment there is nothing wrong, I am not worried about future or regretting the past.
I am just living right now in this moment.
In appreciation of just being.
Don’t wait for the Universe to turn you upside down to start being grateful. Welcome 2008 as a year of new beginnings. Take control of your thoughts, words and actions. Prove your appreciation for life and live in the now moment. Don’t hold back, take risks and live because that is why we are here. And we just never know what the next moment will hold.
I wish you every happiness and a blessed 2008.
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